New e-book collections

The Middlebury community now has unlimited access to several new collections of e-books: Springer Nature – we have added e-books published in 2018 in the following collections of e-Books on the SpringerLink platform: Behavioral Science and Psychology; Biomedical and Life Sciences; Business and Management; Chemistry and Materials Science; Computer Science; Earth and Environmental Science; Economics […]…Continue Reading New e-book collections

New to the library – EBSCO e-books

Students, faculty, and staff at Middlebury now have access to over 140,000 e-books on the EBSCO e-book platform. Ranging from history, religion, and the sciences to poetry, languages, and the arts, these books are available from on-campus or off-campus to multiple simultaneous users.   Over the next few days, these books will become discoverable in […]…Continue Reading New to the library – EBSCO e-books

Al-Manhal Arabic e-books and journals (trial ends August 16, 2016)

Through mid-August, our Middlebury and Monterey campuses have trial access to this database from Al-Manhal, the only provider of full-text searchable databases of scholarly and scientific publications from the Arab and Islamic world. Al-Manhal’s over 13,000 e-books and 300 peer-reviewed journals can be searched through the user-friendly platform linked above. The full-text content is also […]…Continue Reading Al-Manhal Arabic e-books and journals (trial ends August 16, 2016)

EBL Ebook Program Suspended Until July 1

You may know that Middlebury uses what’s called a “purchase on demand” model for its largest collection of electronic books, EBL (Electronic Book Library). Under this model, we place the catalog records in Midcat but don’t pay anything for the ebook unless and until it’s actually used. Then, we pay a fraction of the list […]…Continue Reading EBL Ebook Program Suspended Until July 1