“In Their Own Words” is an ongoing series featuring the experiences of Middlebury students at their summer internships. This summer Ellery Berk ’14 interned with Gardens for Health International in Kigali, Rwanda. What did you do? For the month of June, I interned with Gardens for Health International as a communications intern, conducting interviews, collecting […]…Continue Reading In Their Own Words: Ellery Berk ’14
Tag: Comm./Media
In Their Own Words: Bianca Giaever ’12.5
“In Their Own Words” is an ongoing series featuring the experiences of Middlebury students at their summer internships. This summer Bianca Giaever ’12.5 interned with Atlantic Public Media in Woods Hole, MA. What did you do? I worked on Cape Cod producing radio for NPR producer Jay Allison. I can’t imagine a better internship for […]…Continue Reading In Their Own Words: Bianca Giaever ’12.5
Winter Term Internships: Deadlines extended to Oct. 21!
The Christian Science Monitor. Green Chemistry Program. Democracy for America. Ah, you ask, what could these three things possibly have in common? They are all offering winter term internships for Middlebury students! (The Christian Science Monitor has also probably written about both the Green Chemistry Program and Democracy for America, but that’s beside the point). […]…Continue Reading Winter Term Internships: Deadlines extended to Oct. 21!
PAID Communication Internship in DC
British Council. DC. $10/hour. Flexible hours (20/week). What more could you want? The British Council is looking for a current student or recent college grad to shoot and edit video and pictures, manage social media and update their website, among other tasks. If you have strong writing skills, experience with blogs and other social media […]…Continue Reading PAID Communication Internship in DC
Looking for inspiration? Flexibility? Free food? Intern at a startup!
So you’ve heard of an internship. You’re thinking of doing one. But where? How about at a startup? New School University student Danielle Small has some great reasons to pursue an internship at a startup – ten reasons, to be exact. Constant inspiration, flexibility, no bureaucracy, free food… the list goes on. After interning at […]…Continue Reading Looking for inspiration? Flexibility? Free food? Intern at a startup!