Middlebury is ending the semester awash not only with hard discussions on stress and appropriation, but with a new surge of tree vandalism. Four trees have been vandalized in the last four days. Three this past weekend, 1 pulled up … Continue reading →…Continue Reading New Vandalism
Tag: Campus community
Emerald Ash Borer Presentation-This Wednesday
Part of my absence from the blog would be teaching my winter term class “Trees and the Urban Forest” again this semester. It’s a great class, in a super rushed sort of way all winter term classes probably are. As … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Emerald Ash Borer Presentation-This Wednesday
Fall Arbor Day 2014
An extremely late spring-not warming up until mid May-left our landscape department short on time. We decided to postpone Arbor Day for a fall celebration, which we are holding next week. Friday, October 10th, starting at 3:00. We’ll start with … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Fall Arbor Day 2014
Today’s Students Are Changing Colleges
When the trustees were here last weekend, I shared a compelling article with them— “Ways Today’s Students Are Radically Changing Our Colleges” from AGB Trusteeship magazine. The article reviews the findings of a six-year national study involving 33 campuses and thousands of students and concludes that students today are “different from their predecessors in ways […]…Continue Reading Today’s Students Are Changing Colleges
Light of the New Year
It’s that time of year, when the darkness descends and the days seem to retreat into a long dusk. Add to that the “List of Things To Get Done”—before finals, before the College closes for break, before the holidays, and it can lead me into a frazzled, dazed state. What lifts me up is knowing […]…Continue Reading Light of the New Year
It’s About (Face) Time
Anyone who knows me knows that I believe strongly in the value of dialogue. I believe that sharing ideas, opinions, and feelings directly with others is what keeps people connected—to their communities and even to themselves. Lately, it seems as if there is an unusually high level of frustration simmering under the surface of human […]…Continue Reading It’s About (Face) Time
Seeking Fresh Voices, Ideas, and Task Masters
Hello, everyone. My guest bloggers this week are SGA President Rachel Liddell ’14, Assistant Director of Student Activities Jennifer Herrera, and Student Activities Programs and Events Manager Dave Kloepfer, writing about the social scene on campus. We look forward to hearing your comments and ideas! —Shirley M. Collado Welcome back! This last week, the new […]…Continue Reading Seeking Fresh Voices, Ideas, and Task Masters