Staff Council would like to share the following highlights of our August 8, 2012 meeting.

  • Survey: MCSC met recently with Susan Baldridge and LeRoy Graham regarding the Annual Staff Survey. The anticipated release of the survey is Monday, September 17th through the end of September. Stay tuned for additional information.
  • Staff Council Committees: We are still looking for volunteers to serve on the Staff Appeals Board.
  • We are hoping to coordinate guest speakers at some of our meetings to inform staff about various campus programs and initiatives. Look for upcoming agendas for guest speakers. If you have a suggestion for a guest speaker or would like to be a guest speaker yourself, please contact your district representative.
  • Wage/Salary Committee: The Vice Presidents are delineating the charge and membership for the Wage and Salary Committee. Once determined, Drew Macan will email all-staff.

The above bullets are the highlights from our meeting, but you can find more in-depth information in the minutes of the August 8 meeting here and click on August 8, 2012.

Our next meeting is on September 12 at 9 a.m. in the Crest Room.

Staff Council regular meetings are open to all Middlebury College staff members. Staff members should let their supervisors know if there is a particular meeting they wish to attend. Supervisors will seek to find a positive balance between addressing operational needs and support staff requests to attend these meetings.

Questions? Contact Staff Council at