I attended an online ISIS (Information Service Instructional Support) seminar on scholarly communication this afternoon.  It was led by Marilyn Billings, Scholarly Communication & Special Initiatives Librarian at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.  Marilyn provided an overview of the current scholarly communication landscape.

Benefits of open access journals:

  • no cost to end-user
  • downloaded more, cited more
  • more opportunities for collaboration, interdisciplinary studies

Challenges of open access journals:

  • may or may not include peer-review
  • perception of faculty members (impact on promotion and tenure, concern about author-pays model)
  • during this transition period, Marilyn generally recommends new faculty publish in traditional venues til they have tenure

Reasons for library involvement:

  • advocate new form of scholarship
  • provide repository space
  • offer copyright advice
  • showcase student work in a place where community can see it; this is valued especially by service-learning projects

In general, the other institutions represented at this seminar seem to be in a situation similar to Midd:  they host an institutional repository and as yet, it has minimal participation.