I was sent contacted by recent Middlebury alum, Naomi Cutler ’20 who is finishing out her ECO AmeriCorps job at the Middlebury Area Land Trust (MALT). she wrote to tell me “I’m reaching out to let you know that the applications for next year ECO just opened up this past week: https://dec.vermont.gov/administration-innovation/eco. I don’t know how much you know about this program, but it has been a fantastic experience for me so far. Since I really didn’t have a clear picture of what I wanted to do in the environmental field, it has helped me refine both what I want to continue doing, and what I definitely don’t want to do any more. I just wanted to pass it along to you in case you have more seniors who are interested in the environment and are looking for a 1-year position to get their foot in the door.”

To learn more about the MALT position, feel free to reach out to Executive Director, Jamie Brookside Montegue, jamie@maltvt.org.