Middlebury Alternative Breaks is recruiting leaders for next year’s MAlt trips! MAlt provides student-designed, student-led volunteer service trips for students over Feb. Break. Previous trips have focused on diverse topics including food systems, education, environmental justice, and poverty alleviation. If you are interested in leading your peers in a week of immersive volunteer service and education around a particular social justice issue then consider applying to lead a trip!
Find the leader application and more information at go/malt.
Applications due March 22, 2019
The MAlt Executive Board will provide helpful tips about crafting a strong leader application! The Board will also expand on how to design service learning opportunities in thoughtful/critical ways by examining our own identities/privilege and how varying levels of systemic, historical, geographical context may reinforce social issues.
Questions? Contact MAlt Executive Board at middalt@middlebury.edu or MAlt advisor Ashley Laux at alaux@middlebury.edu.