For those of you who may have missed this great article, The Evolution of the Networked Educator, in Education Week, by our alum, Paul Barnwell ’04, MA English ’13, who got his “start” teaching with Teach Kentucky, its a must-read. Paul Barnwell is a veteran language arts teacher and writer who taught middle and high school English for more than a decade in Louisville, Ky. He is currently on a “sabbatical” of sorts, traveling globally without an itinerary with his wife Rebecca. Here’s one of my favorite things Paul notes: “But we now have the capacity to be valuable contributors and team members from potentially anywhere in the world. We should continually revise and reimagine what it means to be an educator in the 21st century. There’s no roadmap toward meaningful, remote work from a Soviet-era apartment in Tbilisi, but as educators with open minds and adventurous spirits, let’s remember that our learning can take us anywhere.” A fun read!