Special guest Dave Donahue, special assistant to the President will join us to speak about the trustee meeting and “community” at our staff council meeting, on Wednesday, November 14th. We hope you will join us!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
9:00 am to 10:30 am
McCullough Crest Room

Attendees: Staff Council Representatives, Human Resource, Staff

9:00 a.m. Open meeting and introductions

9:05 a.m. Approval of minutes: October 10, 2012 Meeting

9:10 a.m. Committee Reports
• Community Council
• HR-6
• Publicity and Events Committee
• Safety and Environment Committee
• Election Committee
• Staff Development Committee
• Compensation Committee
• Web Prioritization Committee

9:30 a.m. Old Business
• Staff Council Survey
• MCSC Committee appointments
• Update MCSC History
• Update on By-Law review
• Overview of Executive committee meeting with Trustees
• Training for Staff Council Members

9:50 a.m. New Business

10:05 a.m. Guest Speaker: Dave Donahue

10:30 a.m. Adjournment

Staff Council regular meetings are open to all Middlebury College staff members. Staff members should let their supervisors know if there is a particular meeting they wish to attend. Supervisors will seek to find a positive balance between addressing operational needs and support staff requests to attend these meetings.