There are two last minute Winter Term internships for credit with an education focus that are available now. If you decide to apply, we are asking you to do so by contacting the employers directly. In order to secure WT internship credit this must be done by December 1, you will also need to secure a faculty sponsor and apply for credit through CCI. These internships are available even if you don’t want/need to earn credit. If you have any questions about the application process, please feel free to reach out to Cheryl Whitney Lower.
Bridge School
Their Head of School, Jennifer Grilly, has reached out in the hopes that there might be students interested in doing a J-Term Internship with Bridge School (K-6) this coming winter term. They had a student join them last year and it was a wonderful experience for all. Are there any students still looking for opportunities that might be a good fit? Contact: Jen Grilly, Head of School, Bridge School, 1469 Exchange Street, Middlebury, VT 05753, Tel: (802) 349-1661, email: Jen[at]
Stride Foundation – Sports Mentoring Program Coordinator
Stride’s Winter Term Sports Mentoring Program Coordinator makes the mentoring magic happen that builds self esteem, confidence, and camaraderie in girls from elementary school to high school. Coordinator reports to executive director and is responsible for successful operation of mentoring programs that pair Middlebury College student athletes with local students from Mary Hogan elementary school, Ripton elementary school, Middlebury Union Middle School and St. Michael’s College student athletes with Winooski Middle School. Programs are Sisters in Sport in basketball with middle school girls and Snow Stars in skiing with elementary through high school girls.
Coordinator works independently to organize mentoring meetings between college team mentors and mentees. Coordinator also updates website and social media and works to gain media coverage of Stride programs. Coordinator organizes celebration for each Sisters in Sport program. Internship is a minimum of 25 hours per week. Requires an organized self starter who can work independently, multi-task, and creatively solve problems. Excellent opportunity to gain experience working in non-profit sector in communications and programs. Contact: Leslie Wright, Founder, Stride Foundation, Middlebury, VT, email: stridewright[at]