Tuesday, February 15
4:45 – 5:30p
Closed to the Public
Zoom link: https://middlebury.zoom.us/j/91016422865?pwd=VFI0K1EzZ05MTjkzK1JHUDFNU3kvUT09 Password: 706956
STUDENTS: The Knoll is hiring summer interns! Ask questions and learn more during this drop-in info session hosted by former Knoll interns and Megan Brakeley, food and garden educator.
More info about the application/hiring process can be found below in the Student Opportunities section and at go/knollsummerintern
The Knoll’s mission is to explore food as a medium to cultivate well-being in people, place, and the planet. If we are to do so, our work begins with understanding and dismantling oppression, with particular attention to the racism, land theft, cultural erasure, and colonial supremacy that built our food system and remain at the fore. The Knoll commits to intentional crafting of a space for people to have nuanced conversations about food justice and how it intersects with systems of oppression, culture, and ideas of food sovereignty. This requires skilled facilitation and thoughtful framing, as so much of our relationship with food is rooted in deeply personal concepts of identity, culture, and memory.
Sponsored by The Knoll