William & Mary’s School of Education offers a wide range of degree programs: Teacher Education (MAEd), Higher Education Leadership (MEd, PhD, and EdD), Counseling (MEd in clinical mental health counseling, family counseling, addictions counseling, military and veterans counseling, school counseling), School Psychology (MEd, EdS), Counselor Education (PhD). Our programs vary in delivery, from on campus, online, and hybrid.

Check out our flyer by clicking here. Thank you for your help in promoting our programs and finding the right graduate programs for your students. More information, including registration, is available on our website. 

If you have any questions regarding our programs, these events, or would like us to schedule a virtual visit with your school, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Click for More Information and To Register
Contact: Elizabeth Cavallari, Manager, Recruitment and Admissions
(757) 221-2380 or emcavallari@wm.edu