Are you thinking you want to try a new experience to build out your previous experiences or try something new? Winter term internships for credit are a great way to gain new skills in a sector that you’ve been curious about or want try out. Check out the growing list of WT internships on Handshake.

A quick tip: use the Handshake filter called “Labeled By Your School” –> “CCI Winter Term”. This will result in any opportunities that CCI is helping to curate with employers. Its growing every day.

Winter Term Internships (for credit) – Check out these new additions!

Winter Term 2021 Local Food and Farm Guide InternAddison County Relocalization Network (ACORN)Middlebury, Vermont, United States
Winter Term 2022 Undergraduate Nonproliferation Intern for Middlebury College StudentsMiddlebury Institute of International StudiesMonterey, California, United States