The Plastic Pollution Movements and the Pandemic 

MAlt Environmental Conservation Amid the Pandemic WT Speaker Series 
5:00 – 6:00p ET

Join via Zoom, Passcode 681129

Anika Ballent, Education Director at Algalita, will highlight a few of the ways in which the global movement around plastic pollution has been affected by the pandemic. While on the short-term, and in the media, it might look like all bad news and ban roll-backs, the movement has more likely gained momentum and strength through the clearly revealed connections between human health, our lifestyles and stories, and the fact that we can and are changing in response to our biggest threats. 

Organized and hosted by the Middlebury Alternative Breaks (MAlt) 2021 Environmental Conservation Amid the Pandemic Team: Tina Cai ‘23, Sam Liang ‘22, Francis Shiner ‘23, Hanwen Zhang ‘24, Marlow Saucier ‘24, Sarah Levin ‘24, Sophia Fatima ‘24. 

For more on this virtual conference, check out