From Professor Molly Anderson: “If anybody is interested in this, please let me know (mollya[at]! No pay, but you might be able to turn it into a credit J-term internship.”
“Amanda Landry, who is the owner and farmer of Cream Hill Stock Farm, and a grad student at UNH in the Community Development Policy and Practice program is working on her community capstone project. As such, Amanda is working with ACORN on the logistical side of the second iteration of the online market for farmers and food producers. She is in the research phase of the project and was wondering if she could collaborate with Middlebury College students to implement a survey of local eaters/residents/students.
For background info., Amanda was a participating producer in ACORN’s trial online market this spring so has some relevant hands-on insight into what works and what doesn’t from the producer’s perspective.
We’re hoping to launch the market in the spring, so this project could run through the fall and into the winter. We look forward to hearing from you, and if you think this is a good fit for any of your students.”
Middlebury students, if you’re interested in working with Amanda on this project, please reach out to Middlebury Food Studies Professor Molly Anderson. It could be a for-credit Winter Term internship.