The Fund for Global Health is currently looking for new fellows from Vermont. “Fellows from Vermont are constituents of Senator Leahy, who is currently the ranking member in the appropriation subcommittee in Congress. This is a committee who holds a lot of power regarding where funding gets allocated so constituents of Senator Leahy are a great addition to our team!
This position is open to any class year. We encourage applicants who major in global health, public health, public policy, and or government relations to apply due to the large emphasis placed on advocacy work in the realm of global health. As of right now our fellowships are a year commitment, though require approximately 6 to 8 hours a week in advocacy outreach. While this position is unpaid, it is a great resume builder and a fantastic opportunity to work hands-on with policy and global health in government.”
Feel free to reach out with any questions or inquiries to Leah McCleary, Advocacy Fellow with the Fund for Global Health at mcclearyleah[at]