Entering the job market during times of economic uncertainty can be very daunting. Whether you are not quite sure where to start or are in the middle of your search, we can help arm you with the tools to succeed. To sign up for the spring Senior Career Action Group click here: https://forms.gle/EepR24w6mtNiJ6GE7 Deadline is […]…Continue Reading SENIORS: Still Figuring Out What’s Next?
Day: April 9, 2020
CCI Internship Update (with more information coming next week)
Dear Students, Out of sight does not mean out of mind — we think of you all constantly and hope you are staying healthy, safe, and positive. I promised you another update on internships after my communication of March 28. While we had hoped to have decisions this week about College-wide policies on summer programs […]…Continue Reading CCI Internship Update (with more information coming next week)