An Approved Resume is REQUIRED!
To qualify for CCI summer funding, you MUST submit a CCI-approved resume with your application.
Below are your opportunities to complete this critical step in time for the April 7th resume approval deadline. It may take more than one visit, so please do not wait until the last minute.
Resume Review Drop-In Hours:
Monday: CCI, 1-4 pm and Hillcrest Lounge, 7-9 pm
Tuesday: CCI, 1-4 pm and Ross Fireside Lounge, 7-9 pm
Wednesday: CCI, 10 am-4 pm and 6-8 pm; also Anderson Freeman Center, 7-9 pm
Thursday: CCI, 1-4 pm and Squash Lobby, 1-4 pm
Friday: CCI, 1-4
April 14 is the deadline to apply for funding for an unpaid summer internship. You must have secured and committed to your internship before applying for funding. Please review the following details:
- Review instructions, forms, and FAQs at go/summerfunding.
- To apply for funding, create an Experience in Handshake, and then immediately upload your essay, CCI-approved resume, budget, and signed funding agreement to the left-hand attachments section of your Experience. Incomplete applications will be declined.
- All applicants are strongly encouraged to meet with a CCI advisor to discuss your plans. Schedule your appointment now.
- Make sure to check Handshake emails and notifications (enable notifications in Handshake and check your Junk and Clutter folders frequently). All communications from CCI related to your application will be delivered via Handshake. Failure to respond will result in your application being declined.
Don’t wait to come in. It may take more than one visit to secure resume approval. We look forward to seeing you and to receiving your application!