Weekly Web Updates – December 10, 2018

WordPress 5.0 was released this week, but we have not yet applied this update to the sites.middlebury.edu and sites.middlebury.edu network. This release includes a significant change to the editing experience and we want to get feedback from the community before making this change. We have set up a copy of the live site on one […]…Continue Reading Weekly Web Updates – December 10, 2018

TONIGHT! Health Professions Winter-Term Seminar Series: “LGBTQ in the US Army” followed by Suture Clinic

Interested in Health Professions? Check out our Winter-Term Seminar Series: Tuesday, January 22 LGBTQ in the U.S. Army 6:00 p.m. in Coltrane Lounge Join Col. Joshua S. Hawley-Molloy, program director of the International Medicine Residency for the San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium, for a discussion of LGBTQ issues as they relate to the […]…Continue Reading TONIGHT! Health Professions Winter-Term Seminar Series: “LGBTQ in the US Army” followed by Suture Clinic