WHEN: Tuesday, October 2nd 2018

TIME: 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm ED

LOCATION: Adirondack House, Library

Come join staff from The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp to discuss their paid summer staff and year-round volunteer opportunities. Hole in the Wall is a non-profit organization based in Connecticut founded in 1988 by Paul Newman with one simple premise in mind: that every child, no matter their illness, could experience the transformational spirit and friendships that go hand-in-hand with camp. The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp’s signature summer program offers week-long residential Camp sessions for seriously ill children aged 7 – 15 and their siblings. Campers participate in traditional camp activities, while receiving care from a significant, yet unobtrusive, medical presence. All camps are free of charge to the campers and their families. Staff and volunteer opportunities are fun and fulfilling.
To apply on Handshake for the summer camp counselor opportunities, click HERE.