Call for Students to do Research in the DR Over Winter Term 2018

Winter Term Independent Study: Evaluating Rural Development Models in the Dominican Republic What role do international nongovernmental organizations play in promoting development? To what extent can they encourage environmental conservation and rural development, and make this model sustainable by creating a revenue stream rather than depending on grants? This experiential learning opportunity will entail 2 […]…Continue Reading Call for Students to do Research in the DR Over Winter Term 2018

Apply Now for MiddCORE Summer 2018. Show the world—and yourself—what your education and passions can do!

Transformative. Life Altering. That’s how your peers describe Middlebury’s MiddCORE: a mentor-driven, experiential learning program that offers students many opportunities: Develop foundational skills in leadership, innovation, and collaboration—essential to today’s ever-changing work environments Cultivate solutions to real-world problems Learn from mentors—leaders in business, government, and nonprofits Establish a lifelong network of mentors and peers MiddCORE […]…Continue Reading Apply Now for MiddCORE Summer 2018. Show the world—and yourself—what your education and passions can do!