First of all, The Middlebury School in France would like to wish you all a happy and healthy new year!

We are starting off 2017 with 41 newcomers in Paris, 11 in Bordeaux, and 1 in Poitiers, as well as welcoming back our 22 annual students!   Orientation for our second semester students started on January 3rd, and since their arrivals, they have been busy getting settled in, learning their way around Paris, Bordeaux, and Poitiers, and are preparing to start classes. They have also taken the Language Pledge, been getting to know one another, signing up for classes, and learning about their host universities.

We are very excited for the semester ahead and wish all of our students a wonderful, happy, and enriching stay here in France.


Signing the Language Pledge

signing the Language Pledge 

reciting the Language Pledge