Extended Team meetings are closed meetings that allow the members to focus on discussions and work that needs to be done. You are receiving an invitation because you are either on the Extended Team or Project Team.
- We will review and discuss the Video Streaming Project and the ACTT’s recommendation – https://docs.google.com/a/middlebury.edu/document/d/1t7IMuX3YFmKaTdw_v4VnjbAFXZwMVi80yGT5WP4yyP4/edit?usp=sharing This is an initial draft, please feel free to post comments in the document in advance of the meeting. This will likely take up most, if not all of our time.
- The Core Team has started looking at the Inventory using some visualization tools ( https://www.google.com/fusiontables/data?docid=1JHLhki-ynlsDi-WA_Y1-I7l103y2AgB6dp3b5rXt#rows:id=1 ) What can we learn from looking at the Inventory in theses ways? What kind of questions can we ask?