Please join us Tuesday, April 5th at 12:15 PM in the CTLR Lounge for a lunchtime discussion with Kevin Ferguson on some playful and interdisciplinary approaches to digital scholarship that use technologies developed in other fields (like the medical imaging software ImageJ) to answer humanistic questions. Lunch will be served, so please RSVP here. He also […]…Continue Reading Digital Surrealism as Research Strategy April 5th
Month: April 2016
Sharing our Flipped Classroom Practice – Brown Bag Lunches
This week the flipped classroom community of practice is excited to share the work of four faculty members. We invite you to join us as they explain and demonstrate their work and workflow as well an answer questions during two brown bag lunches. Tuesday April 5, 12 – 1:30, Crest Room McCullough In this session […]…Continue Reading Sharing our Flipped Classroom Practice – Brown Bag Lunches
Sugar Hill Reservoir in the Spring
In this blog, I have often sung the praises of the trail runs accessible from the Brooks Road trailhead, reached after a few hundred yards on the forest service road on the right between the Rikert ski touring area and the Snow Bowl. The easiest run from here, terrain-wise is a roughly 9 mile run […]…Continue Reading Sugar Hill Reservoir in the Spring
Notes for Core Team March 29, 2016
[RE] Introductions We all knew each other from the CTT, so this was a chance to reaffirm a commitment to looking at technologies and the services around them that make them successful. The re-boot to the ACTT structure provides definition…
The Week’s Headlines
Here are the week’s headlines from the News Room: Quoted: Matthew Dickinson on ‘Strategic Voting’ New Book Offers Fresh Insights on Chicago Freedom Movement Middlebury Joins Educational Consortium to Aid Syrian Refugees Quoted: Student Entrepreneurs Meeting Food Insecurity Needs Grant Program Encourages First-year Students to Explore Career Possibilities Spring Break Service Trip View past stories […]…Continue Reading The Week’s Headlines
HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot
There are currently 6 faculty positions, 43 external job postings (regular, on-call and temporary), and 2 internal job postings on the Middlebury employment opportunities web sites. Employment Quick Links: Faculty Employment Opportunities: Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus) Please note – to view only internal staff postings, please use the internal […]…Continue Reading HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot