iPad WOW Sale
- Author By Michele Mondella
- Publication date February 19, 2016
- Categories: Midd Blogosphere
Here are the week’s headlines from the News Room: Middlebury College Among Peace Corps’ 2016 Top Volunteer-Producing Colleges and Universities Tina Packer Brings Shakespeare’s Heroines to Life in “Women of Will” Join the First Folio Festival on Feb. 18 Professor Pundits: Stories from the Campaign Trail Art Institute of Chicago Names Middlebury Alumnus Director Black […]…Continue Reading The Week’s Headlines
The Humanities Steering Committee hosts a monthly lunch exchange for Faculty and Staff, to explore the role of the Humanities at Middlebury College and beyond. This month’s topic: “The Challenges of Grading Qualitative Work” at Noon on Tuesday, March 1 in the Axinn Center Abernethy Room. We invite faculty to prepare by simply reflecting on their […]…Continue Reading Humanities Lunch Exchange 3/1: The Challenges of Grading Qualitative Work
During our regular maintenance window this Sunday, February 21st from 6 am – 10 am we have the following activities scheduled: One of the Vermont DNS/DHCP servers will be taken offline briefly to be relocated within the data center. No service outage is planned. Starting at 6:30am the Vermont wireless controllers will be patched to […]…Continue Reading Systems Maintenance this Sunday, February 21st
Tuesday, March 1, 2016, 7 – 8pm Davis Family Library 201- Watson Lecture Hall Have you considered applying to graduate school in the UK? Join Dean Lisa Gates for a discussion of how to apply for a British scholarship and what makes an ideal candidate. The deadline for the British nomination application is April 15, […]…Continue Reading British Fellowships Info Session
Monday, February 29, 2016, 7 – 8pm Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103 Thinking of applying for a Fulbright or Watson fellowship in the fall? The deadline for preliminary applications is April 15, 2016 so join Dean Lisa Gates for a discussion of why these two opportunities are so coveted and how to get started […]…Continue Reading Fulbright and Watson Fellowships Info Session