Students, staff, and faculty at Middlebury have trial access to the online database version of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Forget about that hefty tome in the Reference section of the Armstrong Library – everything from the most recent edition is all right here, accessible from anywhere on campus (or off-campus for current […]…Continue Reading CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Trial through Apr. 15, 2016)
Day: February 15, 2016
This is an update for all Middlebury College Driver’s License holders. Please review the following important information. Roadside Assistance Middlebury College has selected the National Automobile Club as our roadside assistance provider. If you are driving a Middlebury rental vehicle and require service (including towing, jump starts, tire change, lockouts, fuel delivery, mechanical issues), call […]…Continue Reading COLLEGE DRIVER’S LICENSE HOLDERS – ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AND WINTER TRAVEL POLICY INFO
Register by Feb 16! Workshop Offering: Human Relations Skills – The Dale Carnegie Course
Workshop Offering: Human Relations Skills – The Dale Carnegie Course “Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. I invested in the Dale Carnegie® program years ago and it was worth a college degree.” – Warren Buffet Please read the entire communication below if you are interested: Dates: Tuesdays, February 23- April 12*, […]…Continue Reading Register by Feb 16! Workshop Offering: Human Relations Skills – The Dale Carnegie Course
The Week’s Headlines
Here are the week’s headlines from the News Room: Middlebury College Completes Final Round of Early Decision Acceptances New Residence Complex Taking Shape Current Issue of New England Review Welcomes 22 New Writers Professor Pundits: The Sanders Surprise Class of 2019.5 Arrives on Campus Voices and Views: Life on the Campaign Trail in New Hampshire […]…Continue Reading The Week’s Headlines
HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot
There are currently 14 faculty positions, 46 external job postings (regular, on-call and temporary), and 2 internal job postings on the Middlebury employment opportunities web sites. Employment Quick Links: Faculty Employment Opportunities: Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus) Please note – to view only internal staff postings, please use the internal […]…Continue Reading HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot