colloqueaudeylasserreMiddlebury would like to congratulate Madame Audrey Lasserre, who teaches methodology courses for Middlebury in Paris, on a successful seminar.  Audrey was the co-organiser of an international and interdisciplinary seminar that took place this September 18th and 19th.  The theme of the seminar, which took place at the Protestant Institute of Theology of Paris, was “Reorientation in thinking: Women, Philosophy and Arts” focusing on the work  “L’Étude et le rouet ” (or in English,  Hipparchia’s Choice: An Essay Concerning Women, Philosophy, etc.  ) of French philosopher and feminist Michèle Le Dœuff.  This essay challenges philosophy in its habit of depreciating women by treating them as simply objects to contemplate and thus excluding them from its “fundamental promise of a shared rationality” (Le Dœuff).  This flaw and failure of philosophy, then, calls for a reorientation in thinking towards women in philosophy.


michele le doeuff Michèle Le Dœuff prise en photo par Catherine Deudon





Audrey Lasserre



Congratulations, Audrey!

See more information about Hipparchia’s Choice here :

Hipparchia’s Choice