


Middlebury is thrilled and proud to announce that one of our faculty here in Paris has won the second Thesis Prize for 2015 from the GIS Institute of Genders (CNRS/MSHPN) (see links below) .  This national and interdisciplinary prize aims to promulgate  knowledge in the gender and sexualities domain.   Audrey was awarded this prize for her thesis entitled :  “Histoire d’une littérature en mouvement: textes, écrivaines et collectifs éditoriaux du Mouvement de libération des femmes en France (1970-1981)” (in English: “History of a literature in motion: texts, [female ]authors and collective editorials of Women’s liberation in France (1970-1981)”).  Audrey will receive her prize from sociologist and research director at the CNRS, Madame Catherine Mary in a ceremony on November 6th at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord.


Congratulations, Audrey, on all of your hard and important work and on this well-deserved recognition!


GIS Institute of Genders



Prize Results