The 2015-2016 students have all arrived safely and have hit the ground running, busy with getting oriented: choosing classes, finding their way around and discovering their new cities (and maybe getting lost a bit…), learning about their universities and their student lives, and taking advantage of the many guided tours organized by Middlebury….and yes, all in French!  Our students have enthusiastically embraced the Language Pledge and have begun their full-immersion journey.  Please enjoy the pictures below that show how our students have begun their study abroad experiences.


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The 7 Bordeaux students, as well as 2 Poitiers students, visiting La Rochelle on a beautiful day this past weekend.  They explored the Tour Saint Nicolas and the Tour de la Chaîne, and enjoyed a guided visit of the Museum of the New World and of the City of La Rochelle.


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The undergraduates in Paris beginning their full-immersion experience in pledging to only speak in French during their stays here in Paris.



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Some of both the undergraduate and graduate students in Paris on a guided tour of the Sénat at the Luxembourg Palace.  The students had the opportunity to go inside the “hemicycle” (second photo) where the senators meet, debate, and vote.