From Priscilla Baker at Hospice Volunteer Service:


This unique form of service requires a special kind of training as well as skill sets that focus on being with those who are at the end of life.  While this kind of volunteering can be challenging and even nudge us out of our comfort zones, we believe it is a profound privilege to be with our community members and their families as they face the end of life.  If you are at a time in your life in which you are able to make a commitment to this meaningful service, we invite you to register for our next volunteer training class.

Thursday evenings, 6:00-9:00pm, Sept. 17 through Nov. 19, 2015

During our 10 weeks together you will learn about the concept of modern-day hospice and palliative care, how this care is provided to patients in Addison County, how to be fully present and attentive when sitting with patients, specific information about topics such as patient care, dementia, family dynamics, bereavement – and much more.  You will meet and learn from the Addison County Home Health & Hospice (ACHHH) hospice & palliative care team including the coordinator, hospice nurses, social worker and chaplain, as well as specialists in dementia and bereavement.  We also explore personal thoughts, feelings and experiences about dying and death, in order to prepare volunteers for being with those who are dying.

This 30 hour training is funded by the generosity of our community donors who appreciate that trainees, upon completion of this class, will volunteer their time and skills with hospice and palliative care patients in Addison County.  You need only purchase your training manual for $25, provided at the first class meeting.   Assistance is available for those who need help covering the cost of the training manual.

If you are interested in participating, please call Priscilla soon to set up a time to meet and chat before the training class begins (Thursday, 9/17/15): 802-388-4111

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