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Welcome to the Middlebury College School in France official blog!  Here you can find out about all of the latest goings-on in our centers in Paris, Bordeaux, and Poitiers.  

Here is some basic information about our programs:

Designed for students with an advanced level of French, the C.V. Starr-Middlebury School in France provides opportunities to experience French culture in one of three locations: Paris – the cosmopolitan capital at the heart of France; Bordeaux – a large city with a rich culinary and wine-growing tradition; or Poitiers – a quintessential French town with a strong university and student culture.

Undergraduate students in Paris enroll in up to two Middlebury courses at the School in France headquarters–the Centre Madeleine–and take the rest of their courses at one of the many host universities in the city. In Bordeaux and Poitiers, students enroll directly in a broad range of disciplines in one of Middlebury’s partner universities.

A year-long Master of Arts in French is also offered in Paris.  Students start by completing a 6-week immersive summer session on the Middlebury College campus in Vermont, Afterwards, these graduate students journey to Paris, where they live and study for a full academic year, having the Centre Madeleine as their “home base” and taking all classes at one of several Parisian universities.  Depending on the amount of coursework selected, the students may choose to finish their program requirements either in Paris or in a second 6-week summer session in Vermont.

At all sites, whether in a university course alongside local students, or at the Centre Madeleine, courses are conducted solely in French.  Housing – with local families or in residences – is geared to provide students with an immersion in the language and culture outside of the classroom.

For more information about our programs, or to apply, please visit the School in France website at

Have fun exploring our blog!

paris poitiers bordeaux