Present: Chris, Doreen, Carol, Mike, Mary, Terry In advance of meeting, Chris distributed the latest version of the Data Classification Policy for review. The policy describes various types of data classification (e.g. sensitive) and how they should be handled, but … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Area 51 notes, Dec. 20, 2012
Year: 2013
Middlebury ILL service ILLiad down for Server upgrade.
I’m sorry to report ILLiad is inaccessible while our server and program are updated. Please use NExpress go/nexpress to place loan request. ILLiad should be back in operation by tomorrow….Continue Reading Middlebury ILL service ILLiad down for Server upgrade.
Thinking about getting an iPad?
If you have been thinking about getting a new iPad because you are seeing so many others working with them, you have great luck. Apple is having a special sale on them from January 13th though January 26th. iPad 3rd … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Thinking about getting an iPad?
11/14 Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
“Like” EIA Civic Engagement’s new Facebook page here to receive opportunities and updates! Sign up for MLK Day of Service! Participate in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service this Saturday 1/19 starting at 10:00 a.m. Visit go/dayofservice for … Continue reading →…Continue Reading 11/14 Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
Divisional Faculty Advisory Groups – Fall 2012
Divisional Faculty Advisory Groups meet once or twice per year to discuss library and technology issues and interests. All four groups met in the fall semester. Notes on their discussions are available on the LIS Advisors blog [shortcut: go/lisadvisors]. Here … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Divisional Faculty Advisory Groups – Fall 2012
Linking Diversity and a Campus Community
Please join us for the following talk: Linking Diversity and a Campus Community: An Architectural Approach by Susan Sturm Columbia Law School Tuesday, January 15 7:30 pm, Dana Auditorium Professor Sturm is the George M. Jaffin Professor of Law and Social Responsibility and the founding director of the Center for Institutional and Social Change at […]…Continue Reading Linking Diversity and a Campus Community
January-February LIS Workshops & New Courses
Our current workshop schedule is now available. Visit go/lisworkshops to view offerings for January and February and sign up for topics of interest. You’ll find a chance to attend a Drupal introduction covering basic web site maintenance skills, as well … Continue reading →…Continue Reading January-February LIS Workshops & New Courses