Stick Season on the TAM

While most residents of northern New England mention mud season as the most challenging time of the year to live here, the almost equally bleak month of November, less well-known as “stick season” also has it’s challenges.  It has the same bare trees and overcast sky, but never quite brings out the worst in us […]…Continue Reading Stick Season on the TAM

October 2013 Social Media Stats

The following stats refer to activity on the Middlebury College Facebook page, the Middlebury College Twitter account, and share buttons on the main Middlebury College website. For trend comparison, the previous month’s statistics are included in parentheses, where appropriate. Facebook Insights 247 (247) new … Continue reading Continue Reading October 2013 Social Media Stats

Transportation Board Seeks Public Input from Addison County on November 20

Transportation Board Seeks Public Input from Addison County on November 20  The Vermont Transportation Board will be in Middlebury to hold a public hearing on November 20 at 6 p.m. at the Addison Country Regional Planning Commission, 14 Seminary Street in Middlebury. There is a strong nexus between transportation, quality of life and economic development. […]…Continue Reading Transportation Board Seeks Public Input from Addison County on November 20

Change in Payroll Deadline for Thanksgiving Holiday

CHANGE IN PAYROLL DEADLINE FOR THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY To accommodate for the short workweek during the week of Thanksgiving, the following change has been made to the time entry/time approval deadline and paycheck distribution:  Deadline for submitting/approving time – Friday, 11/22/13 10:00am (time entry and ALL APPROVALS)  Paychecks and direct deposits issued and dated  – Wednesday, […]…Continue Reading Change in Payroll Deadline for Thanksgiving Holiday

Imagine Monterey and You: Forging Faculty Connections with the Monterey Institute

Midd MIIS Faculty Connections Panel  Faculty Presentation and Discussion – Tuesday, November 12 – 4:30 p.m. – Axinn 229 Are you interested in learning more about your colleagues at Monterey? Teaching and working with graduate students? Spending some of your winter in California?  Many of your Middlebury colleagues have taught Winter Term courses and workshops, given […]…Continue Reading Imagine Monterey and You: Forging Faculty Connections with the Monterey Institute

HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot

There are currently 21 faculty positions,  35 external job postings (regular, on-call and temporary), and 1 internal job postings on the Middlebury College employment opportunities web sites. Employment Quick Links: Faculty Employment Opportunities: go/faculty-jobs (on campus), (off campus) Staff Employment Opportunities:  go/staff-jobs (on campus),  (off campus) Please note – to view only internal staff postings, […]…Continue Reading HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot