Another Summer in the Books

Summer comes and goes very quickly here in Vermont—blink and you’ve missed it, as some would say—and like the season itself, our summer exhibits vanish with a similar haste, like a Fumé Blanc that you wish would have lingered just a bit longer on your tongue. As I watch the works come off the wall and go back into storage or back to their lending institutions, I often find myself wishing that I had spent more time with them, and inevitably I turn to the exhibit’s comment book to absorb others’ insights about the show as a way of allowing it to hang a little longer in my mind’s eye. Continue reading Continue Reading Another Summer in the Books

July 2013 Web Stats

For trend comparison, the previous month’s statistics are included in parentheses. Traffic 371,746 (333,036) visits from 198,853 (180,556) people 48,060 (36,597) visits from 36,711 (30,979) people 26,964 (6,356) visits from 19,929 (4,643) people 22,004 (19,943) visits … Continue reading Continue Reading July 2013 Web Stats

July 2013 Social Media Stats

The following stats refer to activity on the Middlebury College Facebook page, the Middlebury College Twitter account, and share buttons on the main Middlebury College website. For trend comparison, the previous month’s statistics are included in parentheses, where appropriate. Facebook Insights 148 (179) new … Continue reading Continue Reading July 2013 Social Media Stats