Saná: sueño o realidad Lorella Pini (Nivel 4) Angelina caminaba con soltura por las callejuelas empedradas del centro y sin quitar sus ojos grandes de los maravillosos adornos en yeso blanco que cubrían las fachadas y las ventanas de los … Continúe leyendo →…Continue Reading Rincón del cuento corto
Day: July 31, 2013
¡Al Caribe!
El último club de cocina preparó unos platos caribeños riquísimos: El lechón fue el plato clave del evento, acompañado de una yuca sabrosa, tostones hechos expertamente por los estudiantes y los imprescindibles frijoles negros con arroz. La ensalada de tomates … Continúe leyendo →…Continue Reading ¡Al Caribe!
Interested in the most current and cutting edge information about technology?
The Middlebury campus community can find out what’s happening with global IT trends with access to research, news analysis and trends from Gartner Inc. Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) is the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company. Gartner delivers … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Interested in the most current and cutting edge information about technology?
HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot
There are currently 4 faculty positions, 30 external job postings (regular, on-call and temporary), and 8 internal job postings on the Middlebury College employment opportunities web sites. Employment Quick Links: Faculty Employment Opportunities: go/faculty-jobs (on campus), (off campus) Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus) Please note – to view only internal staff postings, please […]…Continue Reading HR Update: This Week’s Employment Snapshot