Kathryn Morse Earns Fellowship at Harvard

Kathryn Morse (History and Environmental Studies) has been awarded a fellowship from the Charles Warren Center for American Studies at Harvard University that provides support for her 2013-14 leave. She will spend the year participating in the Center’s workshop on “The Environment and the American Past” and working on her book project titled The View […]…Continue Reading Kathryn Morse Earns Fellowship at Harvard

Take a Deep Breath: It’s April

As I was returning to campus from spring break, I noticed how peaceful—almost tranquil—everything appeared to be. Then I realized I was seeing the calm before the storm. April might bring slow snowmelt and soft showers, but it also brings a full-on hurricane of THINGS TO DO. Of course, things are always busy at Middlebury. […]…Continue Reading Take a Deep Breath: It’s April