PWT Session #5—Writing and Speaking Across the Disciplines

Thursday, March 14, 2013 4:30 PM-6:30 PM.

CTLR Library 225
* Tell us the writing expectations and guidelines of your major.
* Get comfortable giving oral presentations.

Who comes to this session?

  • All new PWTS
  • Trained Mentors now training and/or working as PWTs.  (If you are not sure if you are in this category, e-mail me.)
  • Trained PWTS may come to session 4, 5, or 6, or attend the Research workshop with Carrie Macfarlane.  However, if you are planning to attend the Research Workshop, you must definitely commit to attending, and you must have already sent your RSVP to Chelsea Edgar. If you have not done this, place to attend session 5 or 6.


Make-up sessions are only for those who have received prior approval.  E-mail Melanie Haas  for permission.