Student position open on the HOPE Board of Trustees, Apply by 2/18
HOPE seeks to reduce the effects of poverty in Addison County. While the delivery of essential services (food, fuel, housing) is their main focus, HOPE also strives to provide residents with the tools and resources necessary to meet their own needs. HOPE is currently seeking one Middlebury College student to serve on their Board of Trustees, ideally for a two year term. Board members meet once a month (generally the last Wednesday each month from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.) and serve on one Board committee. Through serving as a HOPE board member the student will gain insight into non-profit administration and practical experience around issues facing Vermont non-profits. To apply for this position please email Chair of the Board Becky Dayton, Applicants should send paragraph statement of why they are interested in the position along with a resume. First-year students encouraged to apply.

2/15 Chaperones needed for Addison Central Teen’s “House Bounce” dance
Looking for volunteers to chaperone our House Bounce dance on Friday, February 15 from 8 pm to 11 pm., with two volunteers shifts from 7:45 to 9:45 pm or 9:30 to 11:15 pm. House Bounce is a mixture of normal dance music for the first half of the dance, ending with dub-step and techno music. Three local teens will dj with the help of ACT’s board member Chuck Root (DJ Dizzle). Sign up for a shift by contacting Teen Center Co-Director Jutta Miska,

Habitat for Humanity Spring Break Trip: February 15th application deadline
Middlebury College’s Habitat for Humanity will be headed to York, Pennsylvania in March to build, construct, and have a meaningful break experience! More detailed information regarding the trip and the application are located here.

2/12 College Defensive Driving Class [Required to drive campus vehicles!]
This program is required for anyone who wishes to rent a College passenger or 15-passenger vehicle. If you might want to use a campus vehicle for volunteering spring semester get prepared by taking this class! There is no cost for the class but a driving orientation (a 1 hour review on the road) is required for 15-passenger Vans and larger vehicles. Class time is about 2 Hrs.  REMINDER: A valid state license is required to take the class. Individuals wanting a 15-Passenger Van license must have 3 years of driving experience.  To sign up email Ed Sullivan, Upcoming class: Tuesday, February 12th noon – 2pm           

Interested in art, photography, or computer sciences? Like to help others?
The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Vergennes is looking for a few college volunteers to help with an upcoming Clay-Mation project. Students in grades 5-8 will be working to make a Clay-Mation short film, and will need help with photography, editing, designing—you name it! No formal experience necessary, only a willingness to help out and have fun. Transportation available, and added support as needed! For more information, please contact Nestor Martinez at or at 802.443.3010.

Help a Middlebury College Community member: Finite Math Tutor needed
Volunteer to tutor an international Middlebury College staff member who is taking a community college course in Finite Math. The staff member would like to meet with a student weekly on campus for assistance with math concepts. Interested? Contact Ashley Calkins,

Bridport Central Elementary School: host an after-school club
Bridport Central School (only 10 miles away from Middlebury!) is seeking volunteers to lead an after school club for elementary school students one afternoon a week from 2:25-3:40 p.m. for 6 weeks this spring. You pick the topic – creative ideas welcome! Previous clubs have included card games, running, chess, jump rope, yoga, crafts, etc. Deadline is February 15. Consider involving your athletic team or student organization in planning a club together! Contact Ashley Calkins,, for a short application and more information. Funds can be provided for transportation and club supplies.

Monkton World Language Program Info Session
Monday, February 18th 6:30 p.m. Twilight 201
The Monkton Central School World Language Program has been in existence for about 10 years with great success. It introduces children from kindergarten through sixth grade to a different language and culture, an experience which, hopefully, will be continued during middle and high school. Middlebury College students teach various languages six times during the semester in an elementary classroom. Read an information sheet about the program here. To learn more attend the information session or contact Jennifer Stanley,

Page One Information Session
Wednesday, February 13 7:00 pm, Ross B11
Do you love reading, children, and volunteering?  Come check out student organization Page One for a great volunteer opportunity in local schools! Questions? Contact

MiddView Trip Leader application still open Apply now at go/lead
Move in early to campus. Participate in leader training at the beautiful Common Ground Center. Lead a group of incoming first-year students on an outdoor trip, Vermont Explorations, or Community Engagement trip (Social Justice! Food Security! Youth Programs!). Return to campus before classes start. What a great opportunity – apply today.

Become a Reading Buddy!
Bridport Central School seeks Reading Buddy volunteers who can commit to one hour each week reading one-on-one with a preschool student and completing a literacy related activity sometime Mondays-Thursdays between 9:00-2:30. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Beth Bearor, Preschool Teacher,

Mandarin and Spanish Speakers: Volunteer Interpreter position open
Fluent volunteer interpreters (Chinese/ Mandarin/Spanish) needed to support the Addison Central Supervisory Union’s (ACSU) Family Wellness Program (FWP). While the FWP is interested in all aspects of family health and wellness, emotional-behavioral health is a strong area of focus; work is confidential in nature and may involve working collaboratively with such partnering agencies as the Addison County Parent/Child Center, connecting families to useful supports. Time commitment will vary based on family needs, but should not entail more than one-two hours/week over the course of several weeks. Interested? Contact ACSU Family Wellness Coordinator, Ulti Danforth,, (802) 382-1767. If you would like to pursue this volunteer opportunity and need access to college vehicles for transportation, contact Ashley Calkins,

2013 Vermont Chili Festival Volunteers Needed
March 9, 2013 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. Downtown Middlebury
Sign up for volunteer shifts here

Volunteer for a shift at the 2013 Vermont Chili Festival doing tasks such as token collection, hot chocolate sales, and event set up. This event includes activities for all ages and award-winning chili, located all on the streets of historic downtown Middlebury. As a thank you for offering your time you will receive a volunteer hat and one button for admission.

Middlebury Studio School: Children’s Pottery Class Helpers needed
Volunteers with some art experience are needed to help with children’s pottery classes at the not-for-profit Middlebury Studio School either from 3:30-4:30 or 3:30- 5pm on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. Interested? Contact Barb,

Mentors needed! Make a difference!
Middlebury Union High School is launching its mentoring program. Pairing high school freshmen with college students, the program will be the first of its kind in Vermont! Pairs will meet weekly to do a variety of activities based on shared interests—go to a hockey game, explore town! Endless possibilities await. No formal experience necessary, transportation available if needed. Training and strong support will be provided for all mentors. To find out more, please contact Nestor Martinez at or at 802.443.3010.

Have a passion for food? Join NOM
NOM (Nutrition, Outreach, and Mentoring) is seeking more willing volunteers to plan and participate in group activities. In the past, NOM has led cooking nights at the local teen center, and nutrition workshops at local schools. Have an interest in local food and or whole, healthy eating? Come share your passions with others, and with the community at large. Plenty of opportunities available, funding provided for programming! For more information, please contact Nestor Martinez at or at 802.443.3010.


“Like” EIA Civic Engagement’s Facebook page here to receive opportunities and updates!

Apply to the Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses, pumpkins to carve with Porter hospital residents, or turkeys to cook at the local shelter, we want to help you serve others. Visit go/funding to find our application under Civic Engagement Funding. Email for more information.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator,, 802.443.3099