Dear Staff Colleagues,

Staff Council welcomes you to our next scheduled meeting on Wednesday, February 13 @ 9:00 am in the Crest Room.  I hope you will join us for our  meeting as well as our guest speaker series.  This month our speaker is the Dean of the College and Associate Professor of Psychology Shirley Collado.

As you may have noticed, there are designated boxes around Campus that are filling up with shelf-stable food items as part of the Staff Council food drive.  This is a challenging time of year for food shelves in Vermont because demand is high and fresh food from local sources is largely unavailable so they rely heavily on drives like these. Thank you for your generosity so far!  With only a few weeks left, we would ask that you consider buying a few extra items the next time you are at the grocery store and drop them off at one of the boxes on campus.

Staff Council would like to also thank the volunteers in the many locations across campus who have volunteered their time to collect and transport the items to the food shelf.  THANK-YOU.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
9:00 am to 10:30 am
Crest Room

Attendees: Staff Council Representatives, Human Resource, Staff

9:00 a.m. Open meeting and introductions

9:05 a.m. Guest Speaker

  • Shirley Collado, Dean of the College, Associate Professor of Psychology

9:35a.m. Approval of minutes

  • January 2013 Meeting

9:45 a.m. Committee Reports

  • Community Council
  • HR-6
  • Publicity and Events Committee
  • Safety and Environment Committee
  • Election Committee
  • Staff Development Committee
  • Compensation Committee
  • Web Prioritization Committee

10:00 a.m. Old Business

10:15 a.m. New Business

10:30 a.m. Adjournment

Staff Council regular meetings are open to all Middlebury College staff members. Staff members should let their supervisors know if there is a particular meeting they wish to attend. Supervisors will seek to find a positive balance between addressing operational needs and support staff requests to attend these meetings.