Join community members for a Thanksgiving Dinner!
November 22, 2012 12:30 p.m.
Location: VFW, 530 Exchange Street
Volunteer to help prepare the dinner on Thursday (11/22) at 11:00 a.m. and stay to eat at the meal with community members at 12:30 p.m. Volunteers are also needed to help prepare the dinner on Wednesday 11/21 at 5:00 p.m. and to play music during the dinner on Thursday. Interested? Contact Craig at or (802) 989-5775. If you need transportation to volunteer, contact Ashley Calkins, by November 19th.
Support Addison County Families in Need of Housing: Join the Volunteer Staff of the Charter House Winter Shelter
The Charter House Winter Shelter is home to four adults and six children. There is a critical need for more volunteers to help staff the facility 24/7 and support a vulnerable population in our community. Thanksgiving Break volunteer shifts still available! Working in pairs, volunteers typically serve 3-4 hour shifts at times of their choosing. The Charter House is within walking distance from campus! To volunteer this semester (and beyond!) please fill out and submit the volunteer form: Charter House Volunteer Application. You will be contacted about attending a 90 minute training prior to your first shift. Questions? Contact Adam Schiff ’15 ( or Anoushka Sinha ’13 (
New Volunteer Opportunities with the Nature Conservancy of Vermont
Upcoming date: Wednesday 11/28, 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
The Nature Conservancy of Vermont is looking for volunteers interested in joining us in controlling invasive plant species at our Snake Mountain South Area in Bridport. This will be an opportunity to get outside for a day, become involved with a great conservation organization in the state, learn some invasive plant identification, and give back to your community. Below is a description of the volunteer days we have scheduled for this fall. If you are interested in joining The Nature Conservancy on any of these dates please RSVP to Tim Duclos ( or call us at 802-229-4425 ext. 111. We hope to have you join us!
Saturday Family Breakfast Program
Middlebury Community Care Coalition’s newest program provides families in need with a nutritious breakfast followed by educational activities. Students are needed to help play math/science games with children or provide tutoring/homework help on Saturdays from 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. Interested? Email Doug Sinclair,
Helen Porter Healthcare and Rehabilitation: Christmas Forest volunteers needed
Volunteers are needed for the annual Christmas Forest where community members are invited to decorate trees for residents of Helen Porter Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center to view and celebrate the holiday (Helen Porter is located close to campus in Porter Hospital!). Student volunteers are needed to help with distributing hot chocolate and cookies from 4:15 – 6:45 p.m. on Friday, December 7th. Student groups (sports teams, social houses, etc.) are also welcome to come decorate a tree (you need to provide the decorations) on Thursday, December 6th or Friday, December 7th. Interested? Email Judy Doria,
World Book Night
World Book Night U.S. is a celebration of books and reading held on April 23, when 25,000 passionate volunteers across America give a total of half a million books within their communities to those who don’t regularly read. Apply here to be a giver – you will receive 20 copies of a book to give away in the local community on April 23rd. Book choices for this year include Bossypants by Tina Fey, Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward, and The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood.
Volunteer piano teacher needed
A local child from a family in need is seeking a volunteer piano teacher for their son. Ideally the volunteer would teach a 30-40 minute lesson once a week either on campus or at their home 5 miles from campus at a time convenient for you and the family. Contact Mark Williams,, to learn more about the opportunity.
Volunteer at Junebug
Junebug in downtown Middlebury is seeking volunteers to support its mission of supporting non-profit organizations that provide social services, education, or care to families through the profits of their resale shop. Volunteer needs include working in the store two hours/week to sort clothes or donations, to help plan a clothing drive, or to help edit the volunteer handbook. Interested? Contact Emily Bridges,
Join Everybody Wins
Join Everybody Wins, a literacy mentoring program, where you will volunteer at Mary Hogan elementary school to read or play literacy based games with a student in 3rd- 6th grade for about 50 minutes each week. Everybody Wins is flexible for busy schedules and the time commitment is manageable for students – many Middlebury College students serve as Everybody Wins volunteers each year! Fill out the application here. Questions? Email Mary Hogan Elementary School coordinator Angela Cobrin Landis,
Need money for service? Apply to the Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses, craft supplies for a Children’s program at Ilsley Library, or turkeys to cook at the local shelter, we want to help you serve others. Find our application at go/funding. Email for more information.
Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator,, 802.443.3099