Factoring-in Race

On October 10, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments about whether the University of Texas exceeded its right to consider race and ethnicity in its admissions decisions (Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin).  Institutions of higher education flooded the Supreme Court with amici curiae briefs supporting the University of Texas. Middlebury joined with […]…Continue Reading Factoring-in Race

Routledge Performance Archive (trial access)

Through October 31st we have access to The Routledge Performance Archive (RPA). The RPA provides access to interviews with key figures in theatre history and contemporary practice; masterclasses with actors from around the world; excerpted and full-length contemporary productions; and … Continue reading Continue Reading Routledge Performance Archive (trial access)

Paid Summer Internship Program in DC

The Institute for Responsible Citizenship seeks applications from African American male college sophomores for its summer leadership program in Washington, DC. Students receive paid internships within their field of interest and participate in lectures, seminars, and roundtable discussions with influential leaders in the public and private sectors.   The Institute provides housing to its students […]…Continue Reading Paid Summer Internship Program in DC