Our regular recap of goings on at the College and a look ahead to events on the horizon. As always, we hope to call your attention to items that captured ours and alert you to events that you won’t want to miss. If you have a news item that you think we’d be interested in, drop us a line at middmag@middlebury.edu.
- The world knows something new and surprising about black holes, thanks to Frank Winkler, the Gamaliel Painter Bicentennial Professor of Physics, and his international team of astrophysicists. Pursuing a rare transient X-ray source in the nearby galaxy M83, Winkler and colleagues knew they were on to something. Their results will appear in the May 20, 2012 issue of The Astrophysical Journal, and are online now.
- Dwayne Nash ’99 was featured in two April issues of the Chronicle of Higher Education. The former prosecutor for the New York County District Attorney’s Office is in his fourth year of Northwestern University’s PhD program in black studies, researching racial profiling. The Chronicle stories include an interview about the Trayvon Martin killing in Florida and two stories on the interdisciplinary growth of black studies doctoral work.
- Maybe you’ve read Kurt Andersen’s best-selling historical novels or his critiques of American culture; maybe you listen to Studio 360 on Public Radio International. Maybe you used to choke reading his and Graydon Carter’s snarky-licious Spy Magazine. Thursday afternoon at Dana Auditorium is your chance to hear him discuss “It Is the Most Radical of Times, It Is the Most Conservative of Times” as the Robert W. van de Velde ’75 lecturer.
- That Paul guy from Liverpool who so totally rocks will perform here Friday night. Yes, Paul Lewis is back–with more Schubert! If you haven’t yet heard the personally unassuming and musically transporting pianist, do! If you have heard him, you know how lucky we are to be one of his concert stops—along with London, Tokyo, Florence…
- London’s financial district is the setting for Serious Money, playwright Caryl Churchill’s look at greed, power, and politics. The Middlebury College Department of Theatre and Dance presents four performances, starting Thursday.
- The Panthers come out swinging against Bowdoin in a baseball doubleheader, starting at noon this Saturday.
- Has your refrigerator become a hurt locker? On Monday at 12:30, Gary Hirshberg, entrepreneur and founder of Stonyfield Farm, explains the dangers of genetically modified foods and his leading role in the consumer charge to label them. He’s also written the first consumer guide to GMOs in food.