Middlebury Alternative Breaks (MAlt) is accepting leader applications for February Break 2013 service learning trips. MAlt is Middlebury’s alternative break program. In 2012-2013 MAlt will offer three domestic and two international student-led service trips over February break.
If you have a great idea for a trip complete the application with a co-leader, and turn it in to Ashley Calkins in the Center for Education in Action, 211 Adirondack House, by 3:00 pm on Monday, April 30th. Interviews will be held on May 4th, 5th, and 6th, and leaders will be notified by May 11th.
MAlt trips can be domestic or international, but this year we will also be looking for strong applications in the New England region. This past year MAlt traveled to El Paso, Mexico, The Dominican Republic, Boston, and Tennessee.
MAlt 2012-2013 Leader Application
Questions? Please contact co-chairs Daniel Loehr at dloehr@middlebury.edu and Charlotte Zelle at czelle@middlebury.edu.