The end of the academic year means it’s election time for Staff Council. Join Staff Council and help our fellow staff members have a voice.
This year there are five districts that will need to elect new representatives. The five districts are District C, District D, District K (Dining), District L (LIS), and the Member at Large. If you are at all interested in becoming the representative for your District please let Staff Council’s Election Committee know by e-mail at The committee will then highlight your name on the nominating ballot indicating that you are interested in being the next representative. We would like to know by April 20th.
For more information check out Staff Council web page at
You may also contact the current Staff Council representative for these districts, if you would like more information about serving.
District C: Wayne Darling, x5996
District D: Benjamin Bruno, x5849
District K (Dining): Ken Pierce, x5807
District L (LIS): Arabella Holzapfel, x5284
Member at Large: Patti McCaffrey, x5229