Eleven Middlebury College students spent their spring break building for the Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity. This is the fifth trip that the Middlebury chapter of Habitat for Humanity has taken to Asheville where they build for the entirety of spring break.

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization dedicated to building affordable housing for low income families. With volunteer help, a variety of grants, and local purchases made at the very popular ReStore, Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity is able to provide no-profit, no-interest mortgage loans to its beneficiary families.  

For the duration of the trip, students had an early rise and were on the worksite by 8:15 am. There, they participated in a variety of work, from digging the foundation of a house, to spackling, to putting up walls, to securing roofing. After approximately seven hours of work, students enjoyed cooking their own dinner with accommodations provided by a local Middlebury family, and exploring the quirky city of Asheville.

Trip leaders Mia Benjamin ’13 and Lindsey Hunt ‘14 found the trip to be a great success. They are currently planning to continue building with the Middlebury Area Habitat for Humanity this spring as more opportunities arise to contribute to the community we have here in Vermont. If you are interested in getting involved, please feel free to email MiddHabitat at humanity@middlebury.edu.