Exciting Summer Internships in International Affairs in Jordan and Malawi– Visit MOJO And Apply Now!

Assistant to the Program Director at Reclaim Childhood (RC) in Amman, Jordan Deadline to Apply: April 15 As assistant to the Program Director, you will work as a representative of Reclaim Childhood (RC) in Jordan, helping to organize and run open house……Continue Reading Exciting Summer Internships in International Affairs in Jordan and Malawi– Visit MOJO And Apply Now!

Great opportunity to gain Experience with the varying aspects of food production and food system education!

  Shelburne Farms Food Systems Intern APPLICATION DEADLINE:MONDAY, APRIL 9 Shelburne Farms is a nonprofit environmental education center, 1,400-acre working farm, and National Historic Landmark. Our mission is to cultivate a conservation ethic for a s……Continue Reading Great opportunity to gain Experience with the varying aspects of food production and food system education!

Check Out These 5 Summer Internships in the Non-Profit Sector!

For all of you particularly interested in civic engagement, education, and non-profit work, I’ve got the scoop on 5 excellent internships for this summer. The deadlines are coming up in the next week or so, so be sure to head over to MOJO to learn more about these opportunities (and more!) and to apply! Hunger […]…Continue Reading Check Out These 5 Summer Internships in the Non-Profit Sector!