Our regular recap of goings on at the College and a look ahead to events on the horizon.

As always, we hope to call your attention to items that captured ours and alert you to events that you won’t want to miss. If you have a news item that you think we’d be interested in, drop us a line at middmag@middlebury.edu.

  • A panel discussion held on September 14, during the first week of fall classes, reflected on the 10-year anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. Professors from the Arabic, history, and political science departments discussed how those events have informed their scholarship; President Ronald D. Liebowitz and alumna Lisa Giuffra Diaz ’84, a resident of New York, shared their experiences of having been in Manhattan that day. Liebowitz had also spoken about the cultural changes resulting from the attacks in his Convocation address to the incoming class of 2015, held on September 11. Watch the video.

  • Maybe you have plans to clean your house this weekend? Well, Middlebury’s Solar Decathlon team has already cleaned theirs—after schlepping it, in big pieces, to Washington, D.C., and rebuilding it. Until October 2, they’ll welcome the public and the judges from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon to tour their solar-powered home. Check out their blog, which contains photos of the competing teams’ houses.

  • The term “Arab Spring” entered the lexicon this year—but what do we really know about the cultures under that amalgam? Starting Thursday afternoon and running through Saturday, the Clifford Symposium takes a closer look. Diverse experts—journalists, scholars, artists, and activists—will discuss topics from social media uprisings in Bahrain to tribal dancing in Yemen. Two films, Restrepo and Incendies, round out the programs.

  • Care to kick back with some bluegrass this Friday night? The Town Hall Theatre will host headliners Snake Mountain Bluegrass, a quartet that includes Middlebury’s own Gregg Humphrey from the education department on guitar and vocals. Guests include Lesley Grant & Stepstone, and other members of the pickin’ and fiddlin’ tribe. Show starts at 8:00 p.m.