Dave Zirin, author and award-winning sports writer, spoke recently about the way athletes have used their sporting platform to speak out for social change. His lecture was part of the current “Mixed Signals” exhibit at the Museum of Art….Continue Reading The Politics of Play
Month: April 2011
Faculty and Staff Authors Reception
Please join us for the Faculty Author’s Reception to be held Friday, April 29, 2011 in Library 101, Special Collections, at 4:30 p.m. This reception is held to honor faculty who have published books (written, translated, or edited) in the … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Faculty and Staff Authors Reception
Shawn Ryan’s Code
He created The Shield and more recently, The Chicago Code, but Shawn Ryan ‘88 says his most nerve-wracking moments as a writer came at Middlebury….Continue Reading Shawn Ryan’s Code
New Keyboards at Circ; Checking OUT Equipment at Circ Desk
Greetings Circ Staff Students and Supervisors, We now have 3 new MUSIC KEYBOARDS in our equipment inventory! Dan just received the cases for them, so they are now tagged, cataloged and ready for checkout to our aspiring composers. Pretty cool, … Continue reading →…Continue Reading New Keyboards at Circ; Checking OUT Equipment at Circ Desk
Epsilon Security Breach and New Spam
On March 30, 2011, one of the largest clearinghouses for email, Epsilon, was breached. This company services customer mailings for companies ranging from Target and L.L. Bean to CITI and Capitol One. There were a total of 36 or more … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Epsilon Security Breach and New Spam
Changes in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty
Dear Colleagues, I am delighted to report that Lynn Dunton has assumed the position of Budget Coordinator and Administrative Assistant in Academic Administration. Lynn is known to many of you as she has worked for many years in the Budget … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Changes in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty
The Monterey Institute of International Studies is hosting a Tedx event. TED refers to the wildly successful annual conferences that bring together people from technology, entertainment and design to give short talks about their lives. Tedx events are community organized … Continue reading →…Continue Reading TedxMonterey