A number of people commenting on the salary increase plan have expressed concerns or asked questions about the plan to cap maximum salaries and calculate percentage increases on the midpoint of the salary range. I appreciate all this feedback, and … Continue reading →…Continue Reading More Thoughts About Maxes, Midpoints, Bands, and Levels
Day: February 16, 2011
Students Push for Arsenic Law
Remarkably few people know how often dangerous arsenic shows up in well water. A group of Middlebury students wants to change that….Continue Reading Students Push for Arsenic Law
Carrel Day, Valentines Day edition
Carrel Day for Spring, 2011 has come and gone. There were 54 carrels available at 8 am on Monday morning. By Wednesday morning, there were 6 remaining. Most were booked online Monday morning. We had three calls at the circ … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Carrel Day, Valentines Day edition