Drop-in Peer Writing Tutors

Peer Writing Tutors are available for drop-in meetings, Sunday-Thursday 7:30-midnight (except during school vacations) in the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research (Davis Family Library 225). Sunday and Thursday evenings, Peer Writing Tutors are available also in Ross and Brainerd Commons.  Peer writing tutors can, also, help with oral presentation skills. No appointment is necessary. […]…Continue Reading Drop-in Peer Writing Tutors

Space and Atwater

I’ve just finished a blog post for the Turf Battle competition that I thought readers of this blog may find interesting, as it pertains to landscape design, the Middlebury landscape in particular. In Space, I wrote about the hierarchy of outdoor spaces on campus, and how the master plan for Middlebury sees our outdoor spaces. I found […]…Continue Reading Space and Atwater